Marriage Counseling


Marriage is a divine institution established by God entered into by two free moral agents of the opposite sex; who enter into a covenant with each other and with God to live together for the rest of their lives with another imperfect person in a manner that will glorify God.”

The Responsibility of A Couple In A Marriage:
The responsibility of a couple in marriage is to be equally invested in the marriage. Marriage is not 50/50, 60/40, or 40/60; a healthy marriage is 100/100. This means that the husband and the wife are both 100% invested in the marriage. Couples who partner together to help each other conquer issues that challenge the stability of their marriage strengthens both their marriage and  their commitment to each other.
Through “Marriage Counseling” a couple can learn how to partner together to build a healthier long-lasting and loving relationship.

We provide Counseling sessions for members for a donation $75 per 1 hr session; or,  $135 per 90 minute session.  For non members we provide counseling service for a donation of $125  per 1 hr  session; or,  $185 per 90 minute session.   Counseling sessions are limited to a maximum 90 minutes per appointment.

Call 806-381-7005  to make an appointment.

We do not provide Marital or Premarital counseling services for same sex couples. Nor do we perform marriages nor permit the use of our facility to same sex couples.
We reserve the right to refuse service to any individual or couple; strait or gay; members and non-members for any reason, or, with respect to our By-laws.